They’re back…..
It’s that time of year again, when arachnophobes all over the country run for cover as gigantic spiders begin to reappear and move indoors for the winter! You know those huge, black, hairy ones that stop you in your tracks and make you feel like you are going to have a heart attack unless they’re removed from the house with immediate effect?!
We enjoyed this recent post from MAHAH (Make A House A Home) member Aine, who commented on our facebook forum.
“It is coming to that time of the year again…SPIDERS… and not the little fecky ones but the mahoooosive blagards that will grab you by the toe as you sleep and throw you around the room, the ones that move at the speed of light and you can actually HEAR them as they scarper across the floor, the ones that wait for you in the bathroom at night…Please, PLEASE give me any ideas of things you have found helpful to stop these feckers from invading!! Aine”
As always, our loyal members came to her aid and had some interesting ideas to help Aine out. Here are 10 of our favourites from MAHAH members –
- Horse chestnuts (almost in season) … Drill a small hole in each one and place them in the corners of every room.. A peppermint spray on the outside and inside of windows and doors should keep them away as well…. I’ve a huge fear of them. Terrie
- I got a spider catcher a few years ago and have gotten good use out of it. Especially for massive spiders that I don’t want to get close enough to. Maria
- WD40 around windows and doors. It’s brilliant. Shannen
- Peppermint drops in a spray bottle or Olbas oil or Tea tree oil in water. Make it very strong and spray all window frames and outdoor frame all around the outside and inside of the frame when open. Spiders hate the smell. Also if you have a mint plant keep it at the front or back door too. It’s the only thing that has worked for me. Repeat every 2 months over the winter. Fran
- Call Spiderman! Sue
- I got a pack of 6 plugs on Amazon and I have one in each room. Christine
- Pint glass, a piece of cardboard, put them back outside, sorted. Maria
- I use a vinegar and rose spray at the doorways (front and back) to clean but also deters spiders etc. I dislike spiders especially in the bedroom But we’ve one guy in the utility room that really earns his keep; gets all the little insects etc so we’ve decided he can stay. His name is Steve. Erica
- We got ‘Pest Free Zone’ plug ins in Woodies last year and we swear by it. Barely see anything in the house that doesn’t contribute to the mortgage anymore!
- Lemon oil on cotton buds around the house I believe! Caroline
Have you tried any of the above? Did they work? Have you any tried and tested tricks or products for humanely removing spiders? Drop is a line at hello@mahah.ie